Light Bolt

AI Topic Research

Reveal audience demographics, access a comprehensive list of related topics, and explore the buyer journey. The Journeydisplays searches occurring before and after your target keywordto provide crucial context for your content strategy.

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Largest Data Set

With 32+ billion keywords and growing, leverage thelargest keyword data set for marketersacross 170+ countries. Leveraging clickstream data and other sources, seoClarity houses the largest data set with real queries and estimated search volume.


Search Volume

Estimated search volumefor keywords Keyword Planner typically hides or merges together with our statistical modeling for monthly search volume. Includes search volume for categories and industries that are often hidden, like health and gambling, and separates related keyword variations.

Access to the Freshest Keyword Research for
SEO and Content Creation

The only keyword research tool with keyword data that includes a detailed picture of how your audience searches. Find new keyword suggestions, expand with long-tail keywords, and match keyword intent at scale.

KeywordResearchPage_ResearchGrid KeywordResearchPage_Topic Explorer SeoClarity-Content-Gaps ContentIdeas_2021 Keyword Difficulty v3.0_Keyword Difficulty Answer Box Landscape VideoRankings

The Only Dynamic, Ever-Changing Keyword Research Tool

Transform keyword research when you move from the typical large and pre-built keyword data set created from evergreen, popular keyword that quickly become stale.

During the pandemic, it was clear that legacy data sets are unable to quickly adapt and provide marketers with an up-to-date view of search data based on what their audience demands.

With no business or product that remains stagnate, we re-thought how a keyword research tool was built and then maintained. Leveraging a variety of data sources that is updated weekly, it captures billions of searches to identify exactly what marketers need to know - what their audience demands now.

人工智能产生的查询和统计modeling for the freshest and largest keyword research tool from three key sources:

Clickstream Data
30+ Billion & Growing

Proprietary data set from actual user searches across 170+ countries returns the freshest keyword research data set with search volume estimates. GDPR compliant with anonymous data collected from billions of searches across all devices.

Research Grid
500 Million Keywords

Quality data set that is curated and maintained by our editorial team. Includes 90+ countries, top 100 rankings refreshed every month, rank checks in both desktop and mobile, search volume, CPC, and AI-driven search intent.

Google Suggest
1 Billion Keywords

Secondary data set based on Google's suggestions of related keywords to enhance the research process.

Wiley Logo
“I love this platform. It's a part of my entire process - from planning and producing targeted content to tracking existing pages and keywords aligned to those pages, to tracking the promotion of the published content and ultimately measuring our performance.”
Mark Mulvihill Wiley Global Education
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