If content doesn’t answer audience questions, it doesn’t engage. Content Ideas applies natural language processing (NLP) with a deep-learning algorithm to recognize context and present the exact questions users ask, empowering marketers to build content that drives engagement.

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People search online to get answers. It’s that simple. Content Ideas reveals the questions they ask, and the answers they seek.

Generate Content Ideas

Speak the language of your audience through the keywords they use to engage with them more effectively.

Engage on Trending Topics

Capitalize on immediate trends and find new ones to stay connected with your audience and apply to social media and other digital marketing channels.

Optimize Content for Relevancy

Write better content performance by editing context of popular questions into related blog posts, articles, and web pages.

Reveal Ideas for 90+ Countries

Access content ideas for any country based on relevant keywords and search volume for all the questions your users ask.

Prioritize Based on Search Demand

Prioritize questions to answer in your content based on how often Google shows it within the SERP, and discover within how many different queries the question shows up on the SERP.

Research from 1+ Billon Questions

Extract relevant keywords, search demand, top ranking URL, and other questions people ask from the largest data set of People Also Ask questions.

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Context Fueled by Real People

Content Ideas crawls more than billions of pages every day applying NLP to reveal real user questions, high value keywords, popular long-tail keywords, and trending topics. International organizations can leverage the tool to find locally relevant topics.

Through context and popular questions, relevant content becomes easier to produce and enables content writers to become subject matter experts.


With Content Ideas, marketers will:

  • Discover a wealth of content opportunities for blog posts, articles, products, and videos
  • Uncover new keyword opportunities
  • Update content with top questions as a great way to gain more visibility
  • Create content that answers your users questions
  • Find product cross link opportunities
  • Use these content ideas for infographics, polls, podcasts, social media posts and tweets
  • Engage global audiences at a local level
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