

Compare Different Keywords and Countries, Year Over Year

Add Google Trends data into ANY dashboard to report on the topics you are watching the closest.

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Compare Topics or Keywords

Daily updates compare the relative change in demand for two or more keywords to understand the macro changes in consumer behavior.
Recognize varying levels of demand rise and fall and which trend may be recovering faster.
For example, based on the rise recovery in "jeans", prioritize content and pages that follow that trend.
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Compare Demand By Country

Compare relative demand change by country to compare consumer behavior changes by country to know where to prioritize your campaigns and pages for your global visibility.

Unlock YOY Pattern of Relative Demand for a Keyword or Topic

Understand demand changes YOY and unlock incredible insights into the pattern of relative demand -- only available in seoClarity.
This isnota reflection of overall demand.
It reveals the CHANGE in demand to indicate the impact of seasonality and other external factors based on consumers change in behavior.
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