SEO & Content Marketing Blog

    Discover some of the most effective SEO strategies that enterprise companies must prioritize. Manage the challenges and gain the insights for solutions to boost your overall search visibility.

    SEO Tools: The 13 Best Site Audit and Crawler Tools - Featured Image

    SEO Tools: The 13 Best Site Audit and Crawler Tools

    Technical SEO optimization is one of the most important aspects of organic search – after all, if your site isn’t functioning properly, users will bounce and return to the SERP, and search engines wil...
    How to Find SEO Insights From Log File Analysis - Featured Image

    How to Find SEO Insights From Log File Analysis

    Google’s web spider, Googlebot, is constantly crawling web pages and adding them to Google’s index. When it crawls your site, it registers quite a bit of information about how your site is working.
    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Internal Link Analysis for SEO - Featured Image

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Internal Link Analysis for SEO

    Internal links offer so many opportunities for boosting search visibility. They help search engines identify the most important pages, guide crawlers through the site, and let you highlight the contex...
    Extracting Additional Content Using XPath for SEO - Featured Image

    Extracting Additional Content Using XPath for SEO

    Gathering, isolating and extracting elements from the HTML on your site is very useful for a variety of SEO related activities.
    12 Common Hreflang Mistakes and How to Prevent Them - Featured Image

    12 Common Hreflang Mistakes and How to Prevent Them

    Hreflang mistakes have serious negative implications on a brand’s international targeting and placement within search results. Adding to the challenge is the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all ap...
    A Professional SEO's Guide to International Site Migration - Featured Image

    A Professional SEO's Guide to International Site Migration

    I can’t think of any other SEO project posing as many risks to business as site migration.
    Optimizing Your Crawl Budget Through Internal Links - Featured Image

    Optimizing Your Crawl Budget Through Internal Links

    If you want to keep your pages in the SERP, you have to make sure they're indexed often.
    Get Out of the Red: How to Overcome Technical IT Debt for SEO - Featured Image

    Get Out of the Red: How to Overcome Technical IT Debt for SEO

    As part of my role, I get to hear about what frustrates enterprise SEOs every day.
    Spoof Bot Activity: Discover How Fake Bots Affect Your Search Visibility and How to Prevent It - Featured Image

    Spoof Bot Activity: Discover How Fake Bots Affect Your Search Visibility and How to Prevent It

    I am frequently asked by clients to advise on the issue of the spoofed bot activity and whether it could affect their search visibility at all.
    Three Areas to Prioritize in a Site Audit - Featured Image

    Three Areas to Prioritize in a Site Audit

    Most SEOs live by a simple and highly-effective mantra - a well-optimized website, complete with a top-notch site experience for its users, will always out perform the competition in rankings.
    Why Search Marketers Must Embrace Javascript Now - Featured Image

    Why Search Marketers Must Embrace Javascript Now

    Let’s not beat around the bush, shall we? If there’s one programming language you simply must embrace as an SEO, it’s Javascript.
    Technical SEO: How Analyzing Server-File Log Helps Improve Search Performance - Featured Image

    Technical SEO: How Analyzing Server-File Log Helps Improve Search Performance

    I admit, in the days of sophisticated SEO tools and access to practically any data we need, the idea of downloading a server-file log might seem a bit odd.
    5 Strategies to Make the Most of Your Available Crawl Budget - Featured Image

    5 Strategies to Make the Most of Your Available Crawl Budget

    Crawl budget isn’t something we SEOs think about very often. And, if you aren't familiar with the term "crawl budget", it doesn't mean money available. This term focuses on the ability to optimize the...
    Website Migration - Top Mistakes and Things to Watch Out For - Featured Image

    Website Migration - Top Mistakes and Things to Watch Out For

    Fact, SEO typically takes the biggest hit during a website relaunch.
    To M or not to M: More Mobile from Mountain View - Featured Image

    To M or not to M: More Mobile from Mountain View

    To the untrained eye, all of the hubbub around Google's announcement that mobile-friendliness would officially be a ranking factor globally starting on April 21st might seem unwarranted. Agreeably, th...