LOOKFANTASTICis Europe's number one retailer for beauty, skincare, and hair products. The following case study comes from seoClarity's collaboration with LOOKFANTASTIC's Senior SEO Manager, Abbi Van Der Westhuizen, in solving a CTR challenge withTrue Demand.

The Challenge: Misaligned Pages and Search Queries

We identified several category lister pages across our Suncare section that appeared to be ranking well but were not generating expected volume of clicks from search.

Reviewing on-page optimisation, we found two pages were targeting high-volume generic keywords using data taken from Google Keyword Planner.

We determined that even with good visibility, the targeted optimisation of these pages was not fully aligned to the search queries users were making and therefore was not getting the expected CTR from search results.

The Approach: Updated Page Titles to Match User Search Demand

The two pages we identified in our Suncare section were ourSPF for FaceandBody SPFpages.

We had to determine which page is best placed to target each term.

Using Google Search Console integration within seoClarity, we were able to see the keywords users were searching for and which page was being returned for them.

We found that users searching “Sun Cream” were served the page containing Body SPF products, while users searching “Sunscreen” were served the page containing SPF for Face products.

We then amended each of the Page Titles to bring targeting more in-line with actual user searches using True Demand insights in seoClarity'sTopic Explorer.

The page title on our Body SPF pagewas amendedfrom “Sun Cream & Sun Protection & Sunscreen” to “Sun Cream | Sun Protection”

The page title on our SPF for Face page was amendedfrom “SPF for Face | Face Sunscreen” to “SPF Sunscreen | SPF for Face”

Recommended Reading:True Demand™: The Most Accurate Alternative to Google’s Keyword Search Volume

The Results: 95% YoY Increase in Clicks From Search

Optimisation Refinements were brought in line with True Demand and Keyword Data from Search Console (via seoClarity Search Analytics Integration) in late May 2023.

The new page titles resulted in:

  • Avg. Wtd. Rank improvement for both pages (from #11 to #7)
  • Impressions for both pages increased YoY (May to June 2023 vs 2022) by 186%
  • Clicks to both pages increased YoY (May to June 2023 vs 2022) by 95%
  • Both pages become relevant for an additional 330+ keywords resulting in newer audience growth

Conclusion: True Demand Provides the Most Accurate Search Volume

Marketers have long relied on Google Ads Keyword Planner as a source for search volume data, but much like Abbi and her team at LOOKFANTASTIC, many have noticed data discrepancies.

seoClarity's True Demandoffers the most accurate view of search volume for enterprise SEOs.

Curious how accurate search volume data can support your optimization efforts?Sign up for a demoof True Demand to improve your CTR day.