This B2B ecommerce site sought to increase organic search traffic in every stage of their customer journey. In order to do this, the company needed to leverage SEO data and insights to influence organization-wide decision-making.

Its three-person SEO team was challenged to:

  • Contribute data and insights across a multitude of teams.
  • Elevate the company’s awareness and conversion through effective content
  • Scale their SEO efforts to make an impact in organic search growth.

For this B2B ecommerce company, they found success when they found a way to leverage data that increased departmental participation in cross-functional projects that contributed to:

  • Website infrastructure
  • Content
  • Taxonomy
  • Brand positioning

Solution: Search Experience Optimization

SEO data reveals customer behavior, likes and dislikes. This insight can help departments enhance the customer search experience with content that resonates. Delivering this requires prospects and customers find it at the moment they want it.

Search Experience Optimization introduces a battle-tested framework that meets this demand and makes data accessible by re-focusing SEO on the user instead of the search engines. seoClarity with its site audit technology that includes a built-in crawler, an ability to deliver daily data in relevant ways and its AI-driven insights built on advanced machine learning simplified the effort.

These two elements - the Search Experience Optimization methodology and seoClarity – empowered the SEO team to make the data immediately relevant to the entire organization including marketing, product management, merchandising and IT. In the end, this led to unprecedented and measurable SEO results.

Changing the Approach to SEO

The SEO team used the data provided by seoClarity to quickly identify and resolve problematic technical elements. They then pushed out the data delivered by real-time reporting to gain a holistic view of the entire search landscape. Results and insight began to make an immediate impact.

Through a committed effort to the Search Experience methodology, cross-functional teams recognized the benefit of working together to apply the customer insights indicated by the data. As teams began to meet their own goals, the SEO team and marketing found more resources available to inspire more teams within the organization to commit and integrate the SEO insights in their own efforts.

Specifically, the SEOs:

  • 很容易证明了全数字用户雄厚ce to key stakeholders and decision-makers in meetings
  • Provided recommendations based on competitive insights delivered by seoClarity to the product management team to strengthen product and category names
  • Inspired content ideas based on user search, keywords and most popular competitive sites
  • Uncovered data that is valuable and useful for every team
  • Implemented proactive SEO and digital marketing efforts to gain an edge in
    the marketplace

This enabled the brand to:

  • TRANSITIONbackend data sources for all products on a site. The SEO team monitored technical elements like URLs prior to moving the new content into production. This eliminated negative SEO impacts and makes post-production response fast and agile.
  • RESEARCH DATAto further personalize the content strategy. Marketers and content producers were able to define relevant keywords, create strong links to category pages and shape the entire content strategy driving greater traffic and conversions.
  • FIND COMPETITIVE GAPS,do competitive keyword research and identify true competitors. This enabled product managers to understand the customer and competitor positioning to rename categories and products to align to what users were searching for.

Results: A 30% Increase in YOY Traffic

At the end of one year, the SEO team was thrilled to report 30% year-over-year growth in organic search traffic! They attributed this tremendous growth by:

  • Capitalizing on immediate opportunities and competitive gaps
  • Correcting technical issues that impede user experience and search engine access
  • Connecting with consumers in a more meaningful way with data-driven content

As a result, departments achieved their goals. Cross-functional interdependence grew as departments recognized the insight potential of SEO data. This brand enhanced the customer journey, experienced greater internal communication and uncovered new opportunities to connect with prospects and customers in a meaningful way.

Connect with your customers in a way that drives valuable traffic to your site. Reach out for a demo of our platform to replicate this success at your business.

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